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The case studies in the research programme used a range of modes for passing on information among partners in the value chain. This included regular newsletters, scheduled meetings, conferences, seminars, fact sheets, dedicated sales reps, access to on-line tools, emails, product manuals, phone calls and occasional social events for participants in the chain. Some chains included invitations for retailers to visit producers to experience the values embedded in their productions systems. In some cases, producers prepared and distributed materials with product information that retailers could use as part of their in-store promotions.

Questions for developing a value chain

  • For each information type, what is the best mode for communicating it along the value chain?

  • Are there opportunities for one partner in the value chain (the producers, for example) to prepare material with information for other partners to use (retailers, for example)?

  • How does each partner in the value chain ensure that information it receives is accessed by all the relevant employees of the enterprise?

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