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Consumer Focus


An important aspect of the consumer experience is where and how the product is delivered. Is this a product that consumers might purchase regularly as part of their weekly shopping, or is it a product that might be purchased (perhaps on-line) for a special occasion? Is the product typically consumed at home, or is it a product that might be enjoyed best in a restaurant cooked by a skilled chef?

The value chains in the study took care with the design of the packaging of their products. Some provided resources on a website, such as recipes using the product, written either for consumers or for retailers (including restaurants).

Questions for developing a value chain

  • Where would the value chain’s final consumers expect to purchase this product?

  • How does the packaging of the product appeal to final consumers in the value chain’s target market segments?

  • Are there additional resources the value chain could provide to consumers or retailers to make its product more appealing?

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