Distinguished Professor Caroline Saunders, Director


Distinguished Professor Caroline Saunders has over 30 years research expertise in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

Her research focus is sustainable wellbeing (social, economic, environmental and cultural). This includes increasing primary sector export returns, capturing greater value from global value chains and analysing the value given by consumers to different credence attributes ranging from conservation benefits of disease control to environmentally ‘cleaner’ and more sustainable production. She undertakes research for a wide range of private and public bodies both in NZ and overseas. These include the EU commission, DEFRA, FAO, OECD, MAF, MFAT, Treasury, MFE, MED, NZTE, Fonterra, MOT, Meat Industry and various other sector groups. Caroline is a Crown appointee on the Board of Landcare Research and a member of the Reserve bank Monetary Policy Committee. She was awarded the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2009 and the NZIER Economist of the Year in 2007.

Distinguished Professor Caroline Saunders: Lincoln University Research Profile


Phone: (03) 423 0382
Email: Caroline.Saunders@lincoln.ac.nz